Vocal technique for the 21st century performer
Voice Teacher, Voice lessons, LaGuardiaa High Schoool Auditions, New York City voice teacher|,Singing lessons, vocal coach, NYC voice teacher
Welcome to my web site! If you have landed here looking for someone to help you improve your voice,
I am an expert at helping you realize the potential your voice has within it. Let me be your guide on your artistic journey when you need a voice lesson in the New York City area!
"As a teacher, Ms. Fattore is caring and perceptive with her students.
Perhaps most important, she is able to supply them with technical help that goes well beyond imagery into concrete, intelligible technical adjustments,
to solve vocal issues.
As a singer she is blessed with a voice and technique that can do many things
in many styles and genres, and she has an artistic imagination that makes her approach to various types of music include, but also go beyond, idiomatic style and accurate musical delivery---she imbues it with a personal connection."
Ira Siff, Metropolitan Opera
"Maria is one of the premier voice teachers in NY. She is a formidable singer herself and exemplifies all the best of the Italian Style."
William Vendice, Conductor
"I highly recommend her if you are a serious performer and want what is best for the health of your voice. My range has increased and my vocal fatigue while in performance has decreased to practically non existent.
She really knows what she is doing. "
Kenny Wade Marshall, AEA